This week has been an exciting week for me and it’s only Tuesday! First my hubby and I decided it was time to add another addition to our family! EEEK! Continue reading “Hey Senorita!”
Magnolia Market
This past weekend my hubby and I went up north to Dallas for a little Valentine’s getaway. It was our first weekend away from the little guy where we were actually more than an hour away! We didn’t want to go too far, but far enough where we could still call it a getaway.;) Dallas was so much fun this past weekend. I read up on some local Dallas blogs and found all the cool hidden gems of Dallas where all the locals go, and we were able to experience a non touristy side of Dallas. We found ourself mostly in Deep Ellum and lower Greenville area of Dallas. We wanted to make sure we ate a local restaurants and went to local bars in the area. It was so much fun, and we even had our first Uber experience. Let’s just say we had such a great experience we are now part of the Uber bandwagon. We loved the fast and easy service, and it’s affordable. It’s a great way to get around when you are traveling.
My Secret to Having Work Life Balance as a Mommy Blogger
Being a mom is hard work by its self. Add juggling a part time job, starting a business, and running a blog and you wonder how does anyone do it? How do I do it? Well I’m going to be perfectly honest with you, there’s no real “secret” for success. It takes sacrifice, a lot of sleepless night, and tons of help to get it all done. It isn’t easy, but if your passionate about something you will get it done. This week I’ve teamed up with some amazing mommy bloggers to share our story on how we maintain balance as a blogging mom. Here’s my tips on balancing work and family life.
Continue reading “My Secret to Having Work Life Balance as a Mommy Blogger”
How our Marriage Survived the First Year as Parents
This Valentine’s weekend marks our first weekend trip by ourselves without our little guy. We will be celebrating Valentine’s day, and also our marriage surviving our first year as parents. It was a rough first year for sure, but we definitely learned a lot about each other as a couple, an individual, and as a parent. Let’s be honest marriage is a whole other ball game when it comes to having kids. It takes a lot of work, lots of planning, communicating, and patience to get through this parenting life together.
Continue reading “How our Marriage Survived the First Year as Parents”
Country, Love, and Rock and Roll
This past weekend was a great weekend spent with my family on the farm. We were all rooting for the Broncos for the Super Bowl and were so happy they won. Congrats to my favorite QB of all time Peyton Manning and his win. Not only is he a great player but a great role model. I grew up watching Peyton play for the Tennessee Volunteers, to the Colts, and now the Broncos. Now if only the Texans would draft him that would be icing on the cake!;) But now that football season is over, it’s time look forward to Valentines Day and Rodeo Season!
Champagne and Cake Pops – FREE Valentine DIY
This Valentines Day I’m lucky to say I have two very handsome guys I’ll be celebrating with. These two spoil me with so much love, everyday feels like Valentines day. I’m not much of a cook in the kitchen but I do love to bake. I love spoiling my boys with homemade treats like these fun sweet Valentine Cake pops.
Continue reading “Champagne and Cake Pops – FREE Valentine DIY”
Pretty in Pink
This past weekend I attended my dearest friend, sister, PIC, and fellow Houston Blogger Style the Girl‘s baby shower. I was so excited to share this moment with her and all her dear friends and family to honor her little girl Sofia Everly. It was everything you would imagine a little girl’s baby shower would be, filled with pink, lace, and all things shabby chic. As her Phi Mu sister we were excited to welcome the first legacy in our group of friends. All of our other sisters, including myself, had boys, and we ready to add a girl in the group.
Neutrals and Pastels – 5 tips to Transition from Winter to Spring Fashion
Can you believe it it’s already the end of January? One more month till spring and shorts season, but until then I will be enjoying this nice Houston Winter we are having. One thing I love about Winter to Spring fashion is the transitional colors of neutrals and pastels. You can’t grow wrong with any of those colors this time of year, and it’s a perfect time to start adding brighter colors to your wardrobe.
Continue reading “Neutrals and Pastels – 5 tips to Transition from Winter to Spring Fashion”
Little Man First Birthday Bash – DIY
This past weekend we celebrate our little guy’s first birthday. It took a month of planning a preparing but we pulled it off. Even with the rain it was a great party, and our little guy had so much fun with all of his family and friends there to help him celebrate. Here are some money saving DYI from his Little Man’s First Birthday bash. You can follow me on Pinterest for more of my DIY party inspirations. Below are some links to where I found instructions to all my DIY crafts I did for his birthday. Continue reading “Little Man First Birthday Bash – DIY”
Jayden’s First Year
I can’t believe my little guy is already one! Where does the time go? Looking back at his month by month makes me so emotional. I’m already dreading his senior year of high school. This little guy has made my heart grow so big I swear it might explode someday. I never understood why mothers would do some crazy things for their kids until now, because now I’m turning into one of those moms. Continue reading “Jayden’s First Year “
DIY Themed Baby Shower – Ahoy! It’s a Boy!
I can’t believe it’s already a year since we had our baby shower and now in a couple of days we will be having Jayden’s first birthday party. Time sure does fly. I wanted to share some pictures of our beautiful Nautical baby shower we had last year. Our family and friends did a great job throwing us our shower. Continue reading “DIY Themed Baby Shower – Ahoy! It’s a Boy!”
A Fringe Affair
Lately we’ve been experiencing some colder weather down here which is amazing! Finally an excuse to bring out the fun jackets and layer. I wore this outfit with my fur vest underneath the jacket for added warmth and to give my outfit a little more dimension. One thing you’ll notice about my style is my boho flare. I love prints, tassels, and fringe! And some days like today, I get to wear them all! Continue reading “A Fringe Affair”