Ya’ll my beautiful baby girl is officially one years old! I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by. Ella is just the sweetest, happiest, easiest little babe. She brings nothing but joy to our family. Today I wanted to share her one year photos we took this past week. These turned out so beautifully. Yash our photographer always does a great job capturing our family. Check out her photoshoot below and a round up of her first milestones!
My first:
1. Word – Mama
2. Kiss – mama
3. Crawling – 8 months
4. Taking steps – 11 months
5. Walking – 12 months
6. Bobo – None yet thank goodness!
7. Beach – 7 months
8. Trip – Europe at 6 months!
9. Tooth – 10 months
10. Smile – 2nd day after she was born
For her photoshoot I got her dress, the balloons and one birthday topper from Amazon. I made her smash cake by getting a $6 cake and $9 flowers from Kroger and decorated it myself. It was a great way to save since it was just for her photoshoot. Overall love how these photos came out. It will be something I cherish forever.
Check out more of her monthly milestones here! And Jayden’s first year below!

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