Happy Sunday everyone!
I know this post falls on a weekend but I wanted to share a quick Instagram roundup of our trip to Paris last week. Plus, I’ll also be sharing the location for the best photo spots in Paris and tips to capturing the best shots. Paris is a dream come true and truly magical, but it can get busy with all the tourist. I remember giving tips and offering photography tips for tourist looking to get that perfect shot, because let’s face it when you have had this much practice like we have you are bound to learn some tricks of the trade for getting that perfect shot. Josh and I used my iPhone and our Sony A7iii to capture these images below. Check them out and let me know what you think!
11 Best Instagram Worthy Photo Spots in Paris
1. Pont de Bir-Hakeim aka The Inception Bridge
Alright guys so this was my hubby’s idea to head to this bridge. He is a big fan of the movie Inception and this famous bridge happened to be in Paris. Known as the Pont de Bir Hakeim, it is a short walk from the Eiffel Tower. We loved it because it was less crowded and great for photos. You could see the Seine River on both sides and get a great picture of the Eiffel Tower like the picture above. Plus there’s an amazing crepe cafe on the corner and the metro stops at the end of the bridge for easy access!
2. The Eiffel Tower
The coveted Eiffel Tower. There are so many places to take photos with the Eiffel Tower in the background but the two most popular would be at the Trocadéro which is North of the Eiffel Tower and across the Seine River. This is where we took the shot above. And then there is the Champ De Mars Park which is where the Eiffel Tower is located. This is where we had our Revolve picnic. From my experience the Champ De Mars Park is less crowded than the Trocadéro. But the Trocadéro is the place to be for a night-time shot of the Eiffel Tower.
3. Jardin du Palais Royal
Want to escape the busy streets of Paris, head to the Jardin du Palais Royal. It’s picture perfect courtyard and perfectly arched trees make for some beautiful shots of Paris. I loved this area because it was less touristy and had a more local vibe to the area.

4. Sunset Seine River Cruise
Another beautiful perspective of Paris is my boat. We took the sunset cruise and it was absolutely stunning. Josh captured this shot of me with the Pont Alexandre III bridge in the background. And what’s even better is you will get to see the Eiffel Tower light up for the first time at night, and it is magical.
5. Louvre
The Louvre is breath taking but also one of the busiest tourist spots in Paris. My suggestion would be to get there before they open to get some good shots without the crowd. We got there later and ended up not getting to see the museum inside or the Mona Lisa even though we bought the museum pass. When they say they close at 6pm, they really mean they stop letting one in at 5:30pm. Lesson learned.
6. Paris Cafes
Paris has the cutest cafes in every corner. It was hard not to find one that wasn’t picture perfect. We enjoyed trying out all the different French foods including Tartar and escargot.
7. Notre Dame
This is the second busiest touristy place and the lines are long to get in even with a museum pass. We opted not the stand in the line and instead took pictures outside of it. PHOTO TIP: Here’s trick to getting the whole church, stand as far away from the church and shoot in an upwards angle. Sitting down or crouching down is even better than standing.
8. Ladurée
Stopped here to bring home some goodies to our family and honestly it is the best macaroons I’ve ever had. Next time we will make sure to have brunch and tea inside!
9. Original Chanel Store
My dream come true. Bought my first Chanel from the original Chanel store and took photos of her grand mirrored stair case of her apartment. I honestly felt her spirit there in that room. It was absolutely inspiring. If you plan on buying a Chanel, get the full glam experience and buy it at the original Chanel store and then make sure to ask to see her apartment so you can take a picture at the grand staircase.

10. Versailles
I wish I had more time in Versailles. There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it, and the lines are extremely long even with a museum pass. By the time we got through the house tour there wasn’t enough time to tour the gardens. The palace is huge! Obnoxiously huge! As you tour through the palace you start to see why the people of France revolted during the French Revolution. I just can only imagine how much of their tax dollars went to building this place. It is great for photo opportunities however be prepared to get through some huge crowds. I did find two places at Versailles that wasn’t so crowded with tourist and got some amazing photos without people in the way. The town of Versailles outside the palace was its own hidden treasure. I honestly could just walk down those cobbled streets and get lost in the romance of Versailles. Check out my full review of Versailles here.
11. Arc De Triomphe
Ok pictures don’t do this place justice. It is huge! Josh and I found a spot in front of blocked construction to capture this shot. It was definitely a risk to shoot during high traffic hours, so I suggest getting here early as well to avoid the crowds and traffic. PHOTO TIP: For these photos we made sure to squat to get the upward angle to capture the whole Arc.
So next time you are in Paris, make sure to stop at these locations to get the best Instagram worthy photos spots in Paris. I hope these photos tips help you get the perfect shot! And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask and comment below. Thanks so much for stopping by!
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