Hi friends,
If you haven’t heard from us lately it’s because we have been busy with our newest arrival our little Princess Ella Dawn Darnell. Born Saturday May 28th at 3:16 AM, at 37 weeks, weighing 7lbs, and 20 inches long. It was a very eventful birth that will have to be shared in another post, but today I wanted to officially introduce our newest member and share a little story behind her name. Read more below.
During her whole pregnancy we didn’t have a name picked out. I wanted to wait to see when she was born to name her. Plus with her being due so close to my mother’s birthday was another factor. Either she was going to be born a Taurus like me or a Gemini like my mom. Well she ended up being born in May versus June which was the month of my mom’s birthday, but she was still born a Gemini like my mom instead of a Taurus like me.
Then when she was born I had complications postpartum that resulted in me being separated from her for almost two days only getting to see her an hour at a time. It wasn’t until the third day after giving birth were we finally able to spend the whole day with her. And with the help of my my husband, brother, and her big brother Jayden we finally came up with the name. Literally within hours before the birth certificate lady came to make her name official. We did ask her to make sure it wasn’t a popular name since we wanted her name to be unique to her. She confirmed it wasn’t and one she hadn’t heard in the years she had worked at the hospital.
I love the name Ella. It means light, beautiful maiden, Goddess, & All. Ella was a shortened version of my mom’s name Eloisa, and Dawn after me and the fact that she was born early in the morning. Ella Dawn named after two generation of strong women in her family. A light of a new day, fitting for her birth story which I will share with ya’ll soon.
We are so thankful baby girl is home with us. She is just a perfect addition to our family. Ella Dawn loves to eat and sleep, and listen to her big brother and dad crack jokes. They already have funny nicknames for her! Jayden wants to call her Bobble head, and Josh calls her McChinnigans because she has a double chin. This poor girl is going to have a tough skin born in a home full of jokesters lol! We are taking this time to enjoy every moment with her so I may not be so consistent in posting this next couple weeks on the blog. Thank you so much for following along. For more baby girl updates check out my highlights on my Instagram!
For more pregnancy post check out these below!
Baby In Bloom Baby Shower
Gender Reveal
Pregnancy Announcement

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