Hi friends,
Today we celebrate our 8th Wedding anniversary and to commemorate that I wanted to share our first ever photoshoot as a family of four. There’s no greater gift of your love than the children that come from it. I am so thankful for our growing family and so thankful for the man I married to create it. I always say I don’t know how I can love my husband more every year, but every year my love grows with every year we are together. And for every child we bring into this world my heart grows even bigger. Check out our full family photoshoot below.
Can’t believe it’s already been eight years. Time flies when you are having fun. Our life is not perfect by any means, but it’s the best life I could ask for. I wouldn’t change a thing. We have been through so much together and through our ups and downs he is my rock, my soulmate through it all. Here’s to our 8th wedding anniversary and a lifetime of anniversaries to go.
Check out more anniversary post here!

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