Hi friends,
Can you believe it? Ella is one month old! Time flies by when you have a newborn. They grow so much in just a few weeks. It still amazes me to think we have had her for a whole month. Ella is a doll and we just can’t get enough of her. Below are some photos of her during her first month as well as a recap of her milestones.
Ella’s One Month Old Update:
Our precious Ella girl loves to eat and sleep. She smiles for us when she is full and satisfied. Ella is so easy going and only cries when she’s hungry, and boy does she let us know she’s hungry. She eats very well and is probably why she’s in the 8oth percentile. She is growing like a weed. I hope she gets some rolls in her long legs. We currently do a mix of breastfeeding and formula feeding with Ella. It allows me to have more freedom to do things and not be stuck with a strict breastfeeding schedule.
We have been using Taking Cara Baby sleep tips and schedule and it has helped so much in getting a routine. Ella currently sleeps in a bassinet in our room, and occasionally in our bed when she needs a little extra cuddles. We have been using her nursery for nap times during the day and she does so well sleeping on her own. Night times are still rough as we still only get 3-4 hour stretches which is normal in the first few months for newborns. Luckily Josh has been home and has taken over all the night time duties, so I get extra sleep in. I’m definitely worried when he goes back to work next month if I’ll be able to handle it on my own.
Ella loves listening to her big brother and daddy crack jokes, and is always up to play and dance with them. We have been out and about with her and she does so well in public, and will sleep through just about anything. Loud restaurants, baseball games, ect. The girl is so laid back and only cries if she’s hungry. I’ve been able to breast feed her in public with no problem. I actually prefer it over bottle feeding because it helps prevent my boobs from leaking lol!
Cheeto loves being around Ella. He and Rotel (our dog) are her little protectors. It’s the cutest thing. Jayden is doing amazing at being a Big brother. He is so helpful around the house and helping with his little sister. I love watching their relationship grow!
Ella is definitely Josh’s twin, and a Daddy’s girl. Look at these two. She didn’t want to sleep in her bassinet so Josh has been sleeping with her in his arms. It’s the cutest thing!
Look at those lips. I can’t get enough of the newborn snuggles and all of her cute little sleep faces.
This past month has been a whirl wind watching our Ella girl grow. We have loved every second being home with her. She is truly a blessing, and I am so thankful to be her momma. I can’t wait to see what the next month will bring! I hope you enjoyed this post. Thanks for stopping by!
For more check out these post below!
Jayden’s 1st Month
Ella’s Birth Story
Introducing Ella Dawn Darnell

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