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Why I Have No Fitness Resolutions This Year


Hi friends,

Hope you are having a great week! Today I am sharing my New Years fitness resolution or rather lack there of. Last year at this time I was training for a half marathon and ran my first one in February. It was a great personal accomplishment and one of my fitness resolutions last year. But 2020 has come and this year I am resolution-less. I have no big fitness plans or big goals to accomplish for the year, and I am ok with that. I’m sharing more of why I have chosen not to have any fitness resolutions this year below, plus this cute workout outfit and leopard bomber jacket I can’t get enough of.

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Fitness Gear for the New Year + My Fitness Resolutions

With New Years approaching  so is our upcoming fitness resolutions. I have to be honest, since Thanksgiving, working out and going to the gym has been the last thing on my mind. I’ve been so busy with family, and enjoying everything that comes with the holidays including the food, and honestly I am ok with that. This year I changed my New Years resolution, not to reach a certain goal or weight but rather a level of acceptance and happiness. Today I on the blog I am sharing this fun work out outfit, my New Year Fitness resolutions, and my fitness gear for the New Year Travel guide. Read more below.

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