The secret is finally out! Baby #3 coming soon! Ya’ll I still can’t believe it. We didn’t think this would happen so soon. In fact the month we we didn’t think it would be possible is when we got pregnant. Only six months after having Ella. It took us three years and two miscarriages to have Ella after finding out all the damage my IUD had caused to my body, so I didn’t think this would happen so soon. Especially after the crazy birth recovery I had with Ella. But it just shows it’s all in God’s timing, and we are so thankful for our newest blessing.
Baby #3 Q&A
When did we find out?
We found out a couple days after the new year. I had been feeling extra tired and I just had a feeling since my period was two days late. We actually had travel plans to go snowboarding in January and for some reason I hadn’t bought my lift tickets yet, luckily I didn’t waste my money because I didn’t even go on the lifts. Instead I stayed on the bunny slopes with Jayden to take it easy and not take any unnecessary risk.
How am I feeling?
For my first trimester I was so tired and nauseous. I never threw up, but certain smells would just get to me. It was also draining mentally. When you are about to turn thirty five like me, you start getting doubts if you can handle two under two. Now I feel so much better. Occasionally tired, but much better than my first trimester.
Any weird cravings?
I’m not a burger person but lately I’ve been loving my Jr Delux burgers from Wendy’s and a chocolate protein smoothie from smoothie king. I’ve realized my body craves a lot more protein now that I’m pregnant. I’m not much of a meat eater, but when I’m pregnant I definitely make the effort to eat more meat for the protein and iron, since both past pregnancy I’ve been anemic.
Anything you are doing differently this time around?
I’m definitely prioritizing my health and making sure to eat healthier and stay active. I don’t want to gain as much weight as I did with Ella because it really took a toll on my body. I also don’t want to risk getting high blood pressure again, or preclampsia. I’ve been doing my daily two mile walks even through my first trimester. I have found if I just get it done in the morning it helps me feel better through out the day.
I am also making sure to take the right prenatal vitamins with my pregnancy. Since I get anemic through my pregnancy I made sure to have iron in my prenatals, along with other vitamins that help with my energy and morning sickness. This prenatal has been a game changer. I don’t feel tired or sick like I did with Ella when I take this. And they are all natural!
It’s crazy to think I will be a mom of three soon, and to top that a mom of two under two! But even though it can seem overwhelming I have such a wonderful supportive husband, who is an amazing dad, and we have a wonderful support system with our family so I know we will have all the help we could ask for. We are so thankful and excited for this next chapter in our lives and can’t wait to add a new little baby soon!

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