Hi friends!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years 2025! Hope you are having a wonderful start to your New Year. It’s been a busy couple weeks for us with the holidays, being pregnant, and my husband being gone for weeks at a time as a Captain for his job. But I wanted to share our yearly Christmas card photos and share our message for the New Year. We have so much to be thankful for including finishing and moving into our new home. Plus baby number four will be arriving soon! Here is a recap of our past year below!
2024 Yearly Recap
2024 hasn’t been without its ups and downs with the death of Josh’s beloved grandmother, my third miscarriage and cancer scare earlier in the year, plus emergency gallbladder surgery! My health was definitely something I battled with earlier this year, so being able to have a healthy pregnancy has been a blessing. I don’t take any of it for granted.
Also with Josh’s new job he has been gone for weeks at a time, which honestly has been hard emotionally, but we are so thankful for all the help we have with our family and our neighbors while he has been gone. It has been harder physically with my pregnancy, but God has given me the strength to push through and I’m so thankful. I feel like superwoman some days lol!
We started home schooling Jayden in 2024 and it’s the best decision we have made. I feel like he is more challenged with the curriculum that we have for him, and I also get to have him home more. We also have a small homeschool community that we are so thankful for. Jayden is doing well in school, taekwondo, and is starting basketball for the first time this year. I don’t feel so bad when he does all these extracurricular activities because I don’t have to sacrifice the time he is with his family since he is homeschooled. We also have the best neighborhood kids that Jayden get’s to play with so he get’s tons of socialization. I’m so thankful we finally went the homeschool route, it has been the best thing for our family and Jayden.
The girls are doing well. Daisy had that second degree burn earlier this past year that we had to deal with, when hot water spilled on her at a restaurant. She has been a trooper through it all and has healed so well. She really is our sunshine baby and I’m so thankful she continues to thrive through adversity. Ella is as smart as can be, but also just as stubborn. We are in the process of potty training her and it has been a longer process than with Jayden. But we are making progress. I love her little personality though. She is too smart for her own good.
Happy New Years 2025!
We are so thankful for our growing family. Even through the ups and downs at least we have each other. Thankful for all 2024 has brought us, the good and the bad, because it has made us stronger as a family. We look forward to 2025 and most of all bringing another sweet babe into this world!
Happy New Years 2025!

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Photos by BanAvenue Photography