Hi friends,
Hope you are having a great week! Gosh I can’t believe our baby girl is here! Last week August 16th, 2023 our newest addition Daisy Persephone Darnell made her arrival. I went in for a scheduled C-section for the first time because I had placenta previa with my pregnancy with Daisy. I was worried and a little scared going in because if my previous birth scare with Ella , but my doctor was amazing and made me feel at ease through the whole process. She delivered Jayden and it was a happy delivery too. I truly believe having the right doctor makes a big difference. I wish she had been there to deliver Ella. Maybe my delivery wouldn’t have been so traumatic, but I am glad she was there for this one.
Daisy came out a little less than six pounds and is the smallest of my babies. She had a little issue with breathing on her own for the first day so had to stay in the NICU over night, but the next day she overcame it and was able to come home with us the day after. Overall we were in and out of the hospital in 48 hours. It was the shortest stay and super easy process. Daisy is doing great. I am still recovering and learning to adjust with my c-section scar, but overall thankful everything went well. Check out some of these photos we took at the hospital, and her first baby photos I took of our sweet Daisy girl.
Our first photo as a family of five. I am so thankful and blessed for my family. They are my greatest blessings. Jayden is already such an amazing big brother and has been so helpful throughout my pregnancy. I know when he grows up he is going to be a great dad and husband one day just like his daddy. Ella isn’t sure what to think of her little sister, but she is very curious and wants to touch her every chance she gets. It’s the cutest thing!
For Daisy’s name, I wanted her to have my initials since Ella has my first name. I always loved the name Daisy from the book Little Men, and the name Persephone the Greek Goddess of Spring. Even though she is a summer baby I felt the name just fit her. I sweet little wild flower. We are over the moon in love with our sweet girl and thankful she has finally joined our family. Can’t wait to watch her blossom and grow!

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