Hi friends,
Hope you are having a great week! Last Wednesday we celebrated our 9th anniversary and we also closed to build our new home. If you’ve been following for awhile then you might have remembered two years ago for our seventh anniversary we bought seven acres and sold our old house. A lot has happened in two years including adding two more kiddos to our family. The market has definitely not been favorable to home buyers or new home builder with inflation, high interest rates, cost of materials, ect. We honestly thought about waiting it out, but after two years we decided to just bite the bullet and continue on with our home build.
A lot of blood sweat and tears have gone to where we are now, but we are excited to finally get this started. Hopefully next year we will be able to move in to our new home. I am thankful for my hubby for working so hard to make our dreams come true. I can’t believe that we’ve already been married for nine years. I’m so blessed to call him mine. Our marriage isn’t perfect, and we have worked hard to be where we are today, but I can honestly say it’s been the best nine years of my life. I look at the life we have built together, and our soon to be three beautiful children and thank God everyday for giving me such a wonderful husband, partner, and best friend.
I never dreamed I could fall in love with someone who I just love more and more everyday. Honestly didn’t think that was possible. I thought I would have to be tired of him by now, but nope, not even our worse days together I never want to be apart. He is my person, my best friend, my biggest supporter, the best father to our children, and I love him more now than I have ever loved him before. Here is to nine years of the best years of my life and to a lifetime together! Excited for this next chapter in our lives and building a new home together!

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