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5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life

5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life

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This past month after stepping down from managing full time at Buckle to working part time, I decided to make more of a focus on my fitness. For the longest time I was not happy with how my body was. Last year after loosing all my baby weight and getting back to where I was before the baby I put fitness on the back burner. For a whole year I did not go to the gym, rather did at home work outs when I could. I was constantly busy with juggling being a mom and growing my business with blogging, I didn’t have time to eat right or go to the gym. I started to loose my muscles and my curves. It wasn’t until I could no longer fit into adult sizes that I started to realize how small I had gotten. Shopping isn’t fun when you have to shop in the kid section. Finally I knew I had to make a change.

If I didn’t have time for fitness then I knew something had to give. I had to make fitness a priority and that meant creating a schedule and sticking to it. I decided to dedicate three days a week, and two hours a day to the gym. I cut out blogging events that conflicted during those times. I cut my work hours from full time to only 2 to 3 days a week. I put Jayden in MDO three days a week so I could finish my blogging while he was in school. I also recruited a gym partner to help hold each other accountable.

It has been a month now since I have made those changes and it feels good to be back in the gym. I already feel hundred times more confident about myself, knowing I am making the changes to be better. I know I am not where I want to be but I am a step closer to getting there. For all my momma’s on their fitness journey here are my five tips to making fitness a priority in your life.

1. Create a Schedule 

Not only do you want to create a schedule but you also need to make sure your family can support you on it. Mom guilt is real, so if you can find a schedule that works for you and your family it will lesson your mom guilt. Trust me, I’ve been there trying to do it all!

2. Take it a step at a time

If you have never workout your whole life then take it a day at a time, even if it means just walking around your block for 30 minutes, or cutting out soda out of your diet. Don’t go cold turkey and change your whole diet and work out routine. That is one way to get overwhelmed and quit.

3. Celebrate small victories

So you make it to the gym three days in one week, you loose five pounds, or you stop drinking soda’s for a month, congratulate yourself! Give yourself a pat on the back. Every little victory is one step closer to your goals.

4. Don’t compare journey to others

So your friend looses 5lbs than you do. Who cares? You shouldn’t. This is your journey not a race to a finish line. Everybody is different when it comes to their fitness journey. I know it is hard when social media makes it so easy to compare yourself to others, but just remember you don’t know what goes behind the camera. “Comparison is the thief to joy.”

5. Enjoy the process

I wish I had taken this advice a year ago when I rushed to get myself back to my pre pregnancy weight after having my son. I was so adamant about losing all my weight that I ended up not being able to breast feed in the process. I can never take that time back with my son. As you mom’s know a year goes by fast, so enjoy your journey.


5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life

5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life


For more of my fitness journey check out these post here and here on how I bounced back from my pregnancy. Make sure to follow my  Fitness Instagram. I also share workouts, supplements, and diet tips on my  Snapchat. You can follow along and get fit with me!

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16 thoughts on “5 Steps to Making Fitness a Priority in Your Life

    1. Thanks Emily. I totally agree with you about finding something that is like a hobby!

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