Hi friends,
Hope you are having a great week! It’s cold here in Texas so we have been taking it easy. If you are subscribed to my newsletter then you would have seen my twenty weeks pregnancy update last week. But I thought I would make it a permanent post here on the blog in case you missed it. Last week we had our twenty week scan so I’m sharing some of baby girl’s ultrasound pictures and updates from our doctors below!
Before going to our appointment I was so nervous and worried baby would be on the smaller percentile because I didn’t feel that my belly was that big, but when they measured her she was measuring four days ahead and in the sixty percentile! Jayden was on forty percentile at twenty weeks and I thought he was big. They told me she will probably be bigger than Jayden when she is born. Plus they kept commenting on how long her legs were! Who knows she might get her dad’s height!
Overall everything turned out great. She was developing perfectly, moving around and “talking” the whole time. It’s probably because we were laughing the whole time. Jayden got to come with me and he had the best comments about baby sister. There’s one picture where her face looks like a skeleton and Jayden kept asking when is she going to get fat like a baby, she looks like a skeleton! Lol it was a good comedy relief considering how stressful these appointments can be.
They did say I had a low lying anterior placenta which is why I could feel her hitting my back so early on. I was wondering why I was getting early back pains with her versus with Jayden. It’s because I have less back padding and more padding in the front of my belly! I do have to come back at 28 weeks to see if my placenta has moved up higher, which it should be. I had the same thing with Jayden, but it turned out fine and I was able to deliver him vaginally.
This is the ultrasound where Jayden thought she looked like a skeleton lol! Below is Baby Girl waving at us!
We are so thankful to be halfway through with a healthy baby girl and healthy pregnancy. I can’t wait to meet her, but I am also enjoying the time I have with just me and her. I know this time will fly by so fast! Praying for a safe and healthy second half and excited to see how big baby girl gets. Thanks so much for stopping by!
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