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6 Pinterest Worthy Healthy Holiday Treats

Pinterest Worthy Healthy Holiday Treats

TGIF everyone! This weekend is a fun filled week, and I am so excited to be spending it with my hubs who is off this week. He turns 29 next week so we are celebrating his birthday this Sunday with family. TopGolf is graciously hosting us that day, and it’s the hub’s favorite place so of course he’s excited! Now if you don’t know about my family, well we celebrate a lot more than Christmas this time of year, in addition to my husband’s birthday, my brother’s and Aunt’s birthday is the day after Christmas, my cousin’s birthday is on Christmas day, and my sister in law is on the 30th. So we do this time of year big, and that also means a lot of celebrating and eating. So today I wanted to share my favorite Pinterest worthy holiday treats that will definitely make your mouth water! Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? 😉

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6 Healthy Pinterest Thanksgiving Desserts


Happy Fitness Friday! Gosh one week till Thanksgiving and I can’t wait. Now I know we are going to stuff ourselves silly, but for those who are looking for a healthier Thanksgiving option, I’ve rounded up my favorite healthy Pinterest Thanksgiving desserts below. Yes you can have your pumpkin pie and eat it too!
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