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6 Benefits of Working Out With Your Significant Other – Fitness Friday

Happy Friday everyone! Who excited for the weekend? I know I am, it’s my birthday weekend and I can’t wait to celebrate with everyone! Today I’m sharing a fun post with my hottie of a hubby, and talking about our fitness goals and the benefits of working out with your significant other! Y’all what if I told you I fell in love with my husband at the gym. In fact I’m sure it was spotting him at the squat rack that I thought, man look at that butt. Haha, but for real though, my hubby get’s it from his mama! Plus I like having something extra to hold on to back there. Ok I’m going to stop before I embarrass my husband even more, but aside from enjoying a good view of his backside when we work out, here are six reasons why I love working out with my hubby, and the benefits of working out with your significant other.

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