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Daisy Is One Year Old

Today is officially my sweet Daisy’s first birthday! I can’t believe it. It seemed like yesterday that we were bringing her home. Read her full birth story here. I know I say this all the time but nothing puts time in perspective like watching your children grow. Daisy has been such a ball of sunshine, and never not smiling. Just a happy babe no matter what gets thrown her way.


My first:

1. Word – Mama

2. Kiss – mama

3. Crawling – 9 months

4. Taking steps – 12 months

5. Walking – not yet

6. Bobo – second degree burn at 6 months

7. Beach – 9 months

8. Trip – Nothing out of state yet

9. Tooth – It’s barely coming out.

10. Smile – 3nd day after she was born


My sweet little babies. Thankful for each one of them. Happy birthday to my sweet Daisy girl. We love you so much!

Check out her first birthday celebration here.

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