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Know Your Worth – A Tribute to Motherhood


Know Your Worth - A Tribute to Motherhood

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I want to address an issue that 99% of Mama’s are afflicted with on a daily, and that is “Mom’s guilt”. You know that feeling you get when you want to do something just for yourself (like going to the bathroom alone) but some how feel guilty for whatever reason it may be, because for some reason after you become a mom, personal privacy is a thing we can feel guilty about. So here’s to one day out of the year where we mom’s can shed the guilt and feel worthy of every selfish thing possible.


You are worth that $5 Starbucks to get you through the day. Heck make it a grande Mama! You just might need it.

You are worth that monthly pedicure so you can feel pretty.

You are worth that four hour Target run while your hubby stays home with the kiddo.

You are worth that unfolded basket of laundry so you can sleep in. Enjoy the much needed sleep, your gonna need it. Mother’s day is only once a year. 😉

You are worth finishing off a bottle of wine, just because you can.

You are worth that hour-long hot shower in privacy.

You are worth time off from work so you can be home with your kiddo. Heck call a sick day! It’s your day Mama!

You are worth going shopping, and just shopping for yourself.

You are worth that $100 you paid the babysitter so you and your hubby can have a night off. Kid free night! Who knows if you are feeling risky maybe you can stay out past midnight. 😉

You are worth that gym membership, so you can have an hour to yourself to workout.

You are worth spending $50 for take out so you don’t have to cook.

But most importantly you are worth all those kisses and hugs from your kiddos, because in the end seeing our kiddo’s happy that’s what makes Motherhood worth it. All that other stuff is just extra.  So here’s to all my mama’s out there, the working one’s, the stay at home ones, the zombie ones, here’s to you, because you are worth it. <3

Know Your Worth - A Tribute to MotherhoodKnow Your Worth - A Tribute to MotherhoodKnow Your Worth - A Tribute to MotherhoodKnow Your Worth - A Tribute to MotherhoodKnow Your Worth - A Tribute to Motherhood

This tank is from Fitgirls_Inspire. If you love fitness then you will want to follow them on Instagram. I love being able to rep a company that supports and encourages women in a positive way to reach their goals.

Use the code Dawn15 to get 15% off your order.Know Your Worth - A Tribute to Motherhood
Know Your Worth - A Tribute to Motherhood

This post is dedicated to my pride and joy. He is the best thing our love has made. He is my heart that grows outside of me. He is the one that calls me Mommy. I love you Jayden Michael Darnell forever and ever.

<3 Dawn

Know Your Worth - A Tribute to Motherhood

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2 thoughts on “Know Your Worth – A Tribute to Motherhood

  1. love this!!! I have a 7 month old and it’s so crazy how your world changes once you have a kid. Such beautiful photos!!!

    1. Thanks beautiful! Gosh I think the hardest and most enjoyable thing is watching your babies grow. I want mine to stay little forever but then I’m also excited to see the man he becomes! Hope you have a great Friday!

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