Hi friends,
Hope you are having a great week! So lately after a slew of glamorous photos with me and husband on my blog, my friends commented on how I was lucky to have such a photogenic husband, and asked for tips for how to get their significant other to take professional photos with them. I laughed at their comment because if they only knew the real process of it all, they would see that I was just like every other wife struggling to get their husband to take photos with them. So today I thought it would be fun to give you an inside look of the reality of it all and tips on how to get your husband to take professional photos. For laughs read more below!
6 Tips To Getting Your Husband to Take Photos with You
- Ask at the right time – When your husband is in a good mood, usually after sex, or working out ask him to take photos with you. They will more than likely say yes.
- Bribe – A good bribe is a great way to entice your husband to take photos. Tell him you will make his favorite meal. Let him watch his favorite game, or wear something sexy after the photoshoot.
- Threats – If bribing doesn’t work, threaten to take away something he wants. Now not all husbands will react the same, but my husband can get cranky at photoshoots. Sometimes he acts worse than my son! Don’t be afraid to give the “evil eye” or threaten to cut off the cable. Happy wife means happy life. And a mad and angry wife is not to be messed with.
- Hold your ground – If you are going to make a threat make sure you follow through. It’ll set precedent for future shoots. If they know you will hold your ground and won’t be easily defeated or conned out of the shoot, they won’t put up much of a resistance in the future.
- Be consistent – Consistency is key. Regardless if its the first or the 100th photoshoot, you will be met with some sort of resistance whether its a complaint or a bad attitude. But don’t give up and continue to take photos with your husband. If he knows you won’t give up and are consistent he will begin to accept it as part of your lifestyle.
- Hire the right photographer – Last but not least, and this is probably the most important advice is hire the right photographer. Hire a photographer who won’t judge you when you and your husband bicker through a photoshoot. Someone who has the patience to coach your disgruntled husband through a shot. Someone who makes you feel comfortable so your husband can relax and get out of his shell. And someone who is fun. We have been using Yash for years now, so he is like part of the family by now. He has seen it all with our family, the fights, the tears, the laughters, the love, and capturing those moments along the way. When you find the right photographer for your family, photoshoots won’t feel like work, instead it feel natural and fun. And those are the best photos when you can just have fun with it.
My silly little family. They drive me nuts sometimes but I sure do love them!

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Photos by BanAvenue Photography