Hi friends,
I am back after a much needed break for Spring Break. Honestly I was so exhausted with my son off school for a week, and my husband gone for work I didn’t have time to work on my blog. But I am back and today I am sharing something personal that happened to me that I hope can shed light on an issue that negatively affect us on social media. A couple weeks ago I posted a workout video that was advertised through Instagram. I had people comment on my post saying things like I looked anorexic, I needed to eat, and I was too thin to workout. Very false assumption that many people have about anorexia and fitness. Body shaming is a prevalent issue on social media, and there are so many misleading misconception about “health” and how “healthy looks”. I sat there thinking what I wanted to reply back to the comment, but then I realized this…

5 Things I Learned From Being Body Shamed
- Education over assumption. You can’t base someone’s health just on their physical appearance. Someone who has anorexia doesn’t have to be “skinny” and someone who is thin isn’t necessarily under weight. Making such drastic assumptions about someones health conditions is damaging in more ways than one. Make sure to educate yourself before making wild assumptions that can be damaging and misinformed.
- There will always be someone who will think you are too skinny, too fat, need to eat more, need to eat less, ect. You can’t make everyone happy, but you can make yourself happy. So focus on self love instead of the approval of others.
- Trolls will never go away unless you don’t feed into it. Unfortunately with social media it is easy to hide behind a computer to make negative comments. But if we choose to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive we won’t be giving any power to trolls.
- Your appearance shouldn’t determine what you can or cannot do. We often put limitations on ourselves based on our physical appearance. I’m too old, too young, not tall enough, not skinny enough, not big enough, ect. If I let the “status quo” decide for me what I could or couldn’t do, I wouldn’t be breaking barriers for what I can do.
- There is no one size fits all to being healthy and fit, and unfortunately so many people think so. It’s so easy to compare yourself to competition fitness models and assume that is the definition of healthy, when in reality some of them are struggling with health issues. Our bodies are all different and that is why no one diet works the same for everyone. Feed your body and most importantly feed your soul. Health and happiness start from within.

I love my workout set because the leggings are the perfect legging for my 5’2″ self. You can also find some fashionable work out leggings, and matching workout tops and bras here. These Fila sneakers are my new favorite every day sneaker because of how they can easily transition from the gym to everyday wear.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. I hope this post encourages you to rise above the negativity when it comes to body shaming. I’ve come a long way to learn how to ignore the negativity. There was a time when I was insecure about being “skinny”. Since I was a child my weight has always been someone else’s issue. I’ve learned through the years that no one’s opinion but mine should matter in how I see myself. So let us all learn to love ourselves for who we are inside and out. To encourage body positivity for all shapes and sizes and love others just the same. Have a great day friends!

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Photos by Banavenue Photography