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What is Like to Know it

liketoknow.it, screenshot, bow top, pinstripe top

Hey guys, it’s another short and sweet Friday post. Today I am going to talk a little about Liketoknow.it app and why you should download it. I have been part of the Liketoknow.it for a little over a year now, and it is one of my favorite affiliate marketing groups to be part of. It allows me to be a personal shopper for all of ya’ll through my Instagram and blog. Think of it like the sales associate at Nordstrom who makes commission off of their sales, we make commission off items we sell through what we are wearing or suggestions we make through our blog. But aside from that, it is very convenient for our readers to shop our looks because it gives you direct links to where to buy the item simply by liking our Instagram photo, and now you can screen shot and have it directly sent to you Liketoknow.it app instead of your email. How easy is that?  Check out this adorable summer look I took in front of the famous Liketoknow.it wall in Dallas, and shop the look below! Continue reading “What is Like to Know it”
